Not A Designer update

Hi Not a Designer subscriber,

As you may have noticed (or not :), I’ve taken a break from writing this newsletter. These issues take a lot of time to research and write and other things have taken time away from this newsletter, and I wanted to share them with you.

My full-time job is being the founder of my startup, Disco, and we’ve been running a community for people with multiple streams of income called Big Cash Money. If you also follow me on twitter or LinkedIn, you’ve probably seen me post about it. Since January, we’ve been experimenting with coaching and community to help people with their revenue related goals.

We’ve redesigned our program and just opened up applications for our second cohort. We’ve added Masterclasses and Mastermind groups to the offering, along with chat-based coaching. If you’re someone with multiple streams of income or hoping to start something on top of your day job, make sure to check it out and see if it’s for you. Applications close June 30.

At some point, I hope I have the time to pick up writing this newsletter again, but for the foreseeable future, I’m going to need to focus on the work that pays the bills. I hope you understand.

Thanks for subscribing and being a part of this experiment. If you want to follow my personal founder journey, I write weekly here.

Happy designing,



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